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Fitness Training

Our fitness training programs typically include simple stretching exercises to strengthen muscles in your back, shoulders, arms, legs, stomach, and neck. They also provide greater flexibility and range of motion. As a result, over time, these exercises help alleviate pain and build endurance; and they make you less prone to accidents caused by muscle strains or fatigue. We often add a progressive cardio workout…and the impact is that our clients are less tired, happier, and more motivated at work and play.

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Strength Training

Perfect for people of all ages, our strength training exercises make doing everyday things easier…like opening stuck jars, lifting heavy boxes, walking large dogs, carrying groceries, and more. These are simple things most people take for granted, yet are the essential tasks for daily living that make you more independent. Plus, when you’re stronger, you also have more self-confidence.

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Flexibility Training

Why is flexibility important? Because it improves your range of motion which reduces the risk of injury. From carrying small children to swinging a golf club, to reaching for something on the top shelf…people who are more flexible are less likely to pull a muscle, slip and fall, and in general suffer from aches and pain. Our flexibility training teaches you the right way to exercise.

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Balance Training

Balance training is a complex skill involving the brain, muscles and parts of the inner ear. After an accident or as we get older, all of these functions are diminished. And so to prevent injury and maintain good physical and mental health, balancing exercises are crucial to extending your quality of life.

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Cardiovascular Training

Cardio training is specifically designed to increase your heart rate, increase blood circulation, and, strengthen your heart…which many don’t know is a muscle. So keeping your heart in good condition reduces the risk of heart attacks. Maintaining good circulation reduces the risk of strokes. And, as part of a complete fitness program, cardio activity burns more calories accelerating weight loss goals, and helps improve balance and coordination. Incorporating cardio in workout routines also helps you feel good by releasing hormones that ease symptoms of depression and fatigue. And when you’re in better cardiovascular shape, your stamina for everyday activities, including sex, sports, and more is enhanced.

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Vibration Training

Vibration training utilizes a machine with a vibrating platform that transmits energy to your body, forcing your muscles to contract and relax repetitively every second. In combination with other exercises, it helps accelerate weight loss, reduces muscle soreness, builds strength, and decreases the stress hormone cortisol. Additionally, some research shows that vibration training may reduce back pain, improve strength and balance in older adults, and reduce bone loss. Vibration training should only be incorporated into your fitness regimen under the guidance and supervision of a trained expert and/or medical professional.  

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Sports Training

If you’re an athlete, you know the importance of physical and mental fitness. While different sports require emphasis on developing certain muscle groups, all sports require strength, flexibility, and stamina. At Jerry’s Wellness & Fitness, we work with clients to develop their body and minds for peak performance. From soccer, baseball, football, basketball, tennis, running and marathon training, we help athletes in all sports prepare to win. We partner with skills trainers for complete athlete sports training. Ask for details.

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Functional Training

The difference between functional and - non-functional training is that the first emphasizes developing large groups of muscles that work together across your body. They emulate movements you’d make in your daily routines…like picking up heavy objects, bending down to clean something you spilled on the floor, carrying a small child, etc. This differs from non-functional training which typically focuses on developing one muscle at a time for strength or to change the way you look.

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Rehabilitation & Pain Management

Rehabilitation training seeks to restore full use and functionality of specific limbs, joints, and muscles compromised by disease, traffic or workplace accident, sports injury, or other means. Exercises are designed to strengthen affected muscles and provide increased range of motion so you can get back to living a normal, pain-free life.

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